One of my all-time fav tunes, amazing track from one of the brightest producers these days - Damian Lazarus - producer, journalist, perfect DJ and of course owner "Crosstown Rebels" label.
I tend to build my mixes as a tales, each one telling a different story and I think that is the reason why I have never used this track. It's an incredible story itself, starting with outstanding piano theme, and then only getting better and better. I have listened to it innumerable amount of times and always from the very beginning to the very end, from the first piano key tap to the ending that just makes you say "wow"....
At the beginning we can hear the mentioned piano theme, accompanied by Damian Lazarus himself, singing "Let's bring this moment to life", which slowly evolves into four-four kickdrum, followed by Swedish twin-sister duet TaxiTaxi, singing the very same lyrics the whole journey started with, but the diversity of this track continues and later on a truly massive bassline kicks in, leaving us no illusions we're dealing with something really unique here (for one thing, we can hear Damian's attempt on singing, which, if you ask me, went really well).
This track, although now it's almost one and a half years old, represents a whole new era in electronic music, determining it’s future paths of expansion, combining elements of two, it could seem opposite sides of the electronic music beam - minimal and ambient, with the addition of some truly amazing vocals. Intriguing and creating a desire for more....